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Influencer Marketing: 5 reasons why you should invest now

By 08/05/2020April 8th, 2021No Comments5 min read

It’s safe to say that during the last month we’ve all gone through the wringer. COVID-19 has not been easy on any of us. However, the virus has also clearly shown us how quickly people can adapt and how much we rely on each other. The only way through this is by working together. Influencer marketing amplifies this sense of ‘togetherness’ by supporting and inspiring their audiences. Online initiatives, tutorials and tips & tricks have mushroomed. The opportunities for brands on social media are massive, now more than ever. Ready to explore your options?

During the last month every social media strategy had to be reinvented. Some brands initially shied away from online advertising out of fear of coming across as opportunistic or insensitive. However, as time passed, it became clear that consumers still expect to be informed and entertained. Brands need to keep communicating with their audiences. In these digital times, Influencer Marketing is the perfect way to get that message across.

5 reasons why you need to get into Influencer Marketing right now:

1. Demand is here

There is a considerable increase in digital content consumption. Since the start of this lockdown, consumers are spending more time online AND are buying online. So now is the time for your brand to engage with your target audience online.

2. Supply is here as well

Influencers have more time on their hands, since most summer events are currently on hold. As a result, many content creators are looking for new partnerships. They might even agree to a smaller budget. This creates opportunities for new and exciting collabs!

3. Consumers want content

People are actively looking for content that they find helpful during this lockdown. They look for social media content that helps them be informed, entertained, inspired, etc.

4. Influencers are a trusted source of information

For this quality content, consumers look to influencers they already know and trust. They seek information from their online friends. Influencer messages are currently still perceived as more authentic than brand communication. That’s why Influencer Marketing is the ideal way to communicate your message to your target audience in a convincing manner.

5. You need content

Your (product)shoots have likely been cancelled due to COVID-19. However, your brand still needs a constant content flow. This is a lucrative opportunity to test influencers on their ability to create content. Influencers are used to creating thumb-stopping content from the comfort of their own home. They have been doing so for years, so you won’t be disappointed!

3 key elements to consider for your influencer marketing campaign

1. Offer solution-based content

The influencer content needs to provide a solution for your audience. This could be anything from a TikTok tutorial, to a workout routine or content that offers a moment of relief. Brands can work with a selected company of influencers to create entertaining and solution-based content, designed to get people’s minds off the dominant COVID-19-related news in their feeds.

2. Be mindful of your narrative

There definitely is a place for branded content, but only if it meets people’s needs. Make sure your approach is authentic and that your content taps into an actual consumer need. Just adding ‘#togetheragainstcorona’ in your caption won’t cut it. Luckily, influencers know their audience inside out. They will know what tone of voice works. All you need to do is listen.

3. Talent over numbers

Now more than ever, you need to work with content creators that have a strong connection with your brand DNA. Only those influencers will be able to create relevant content for your brand. Talent, creativity and authenticity first, reach second.

With the right influencers and social media content, your brand has the opportunity to remain visible and stay top of mind during these trying times. Now is the time to create an even deeper connection with your target audience and start using influencer marketing! This ‘top of mind’ effect and brand connection will result in increased conversion, once things get to back to (a new) normal.

Want to know more about how Influencer Marketing can amplify your brand? Contact and tell us your story!

Written by Eline Vervloet – PR Manager and Helena Vanleeuw – Social Media Manager

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