Social media has become a very fast paced environment, no one has time to read paragraphs of product descriptions and services you have to offer. Chances are you’re gone by the end of this sentence. By using video marketing, not only are we doing the reading for them, but we are also making their user experience easier and anything that makes the lives of consumers easier is always more successful.
Opting for video marketing means opting for higher engagement, efficiency, ROI and all of the benefits will be achieved and amplified as videos are easy to share on all platforms.
Here are 7 reasons to start video marketing* *That you can share with your boss
1. Google loves you video
One of the most beneficial advantages of adding videos in content marketing is that it will improve your SEO. This means that content in the form of video can increase google front page results by 53 times according to Search engine watch.
2. Stronger consumer attention
Being able to get the consumers undivided attention has become tough and videos are a medium to maximise attention because users are willing to spend 88% more time on a website that has videos. Moreover, consumer attention is vital right now as all online platforms are saturated with content and have created ‘digital traffic’.
3. Higher engagement
As mentioned above, it is vital to put emphasis on visual content because they matter more than you think they do. Whether it’s a gif, webinar, vlog, video or behind the scenes, all motion content has greater impact in engagement. Additionally, audiences are 10 times more likely to like, embed, share and comment on video. And that’s pure engagement.
4. Higher retention rates
According to infographica,65% of viewers watch more than ¾ of a video, we can definitely not say the same about text-based content. This can be done through videos to manage expectations and introduce customer loyalty schemes and ultimately prove your value.
5. Better email click-throughs
Companies usually spend days to create email copies making sure it has all the key information for customers or prospects but how responsive is it? How many recipients read it? And for the ones who do read it, does it drive results?
The current generation is either uninterested or doesn’t have time to read through information and in this case, it is more effective to present information in a quick, informative way. The use of video in emails has been shown to double click-through rates.
6. Stronger emotional connections
The best kind of feeling is when something is totally ‘relatable’, this is also one of the most common ways to grab people’s attention because this makes them feel understood. Video is the most powerful way to evoke emotions online. The perfect combinations of music, imagery and information can get you the engagement your company deserves.
Videos will often not have an immediate impact, the impact will be visible when you see the product in a store or a similar product. Or even when you realise you need this product. It will help you instantly connect the dots and think of the company from the video ad you saw last week. This is how videos exert their effect in a subconscious, subtle way. In other words, the videos are manipulating the consumers decision making by hiding in the back of their head and popping up as a reminder at the right place-right time. And this why evoking emotion in marketing has been proven to positively impact consumer decision-making.
7. Increase customer conversions
Word of mouth is by far one of the most effective ways news is spread. By phrasing and presenting your product/ service through a video you are giving the customers a tagline and teaching them more about your company. Making it easier for them to speak about it with others.
71% of video conversion rates outperform other marketing content and create 66% more qualified leads per year.
To summarise…
All 7 reasons work hand in hand to exert a bigger impact. Videos are your chance to break language barriers and aim for a global reach. They are by far one of the most popular communication tools and with TikTok experiencing its peak and Instagram introducing reels, videos are not disappearing anytime soon, instead they are here to stay. We can press records for your needs: whether you need to inform, boost conversion, stay competitive or work on search engine optimisation (SEO).
If you have more question, please contact us! We’ll walk you through a thorough plan of how we can help you create videos that will increase your customer reach.
Written by Myra Nurski – Managing Partner at MMBSY
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MMBSY is a full-service PR & Content Marketing Agency. Buzzing with lifestyle brands, powerful connections, creative craftsmanship and fiery business brainery.
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