CREATON – Warm wishes cards

The Challenge

Cherish our loved ones while supporting a good cause, all without spending a dime. Sounds too good to be true? Think again! We put our content and PR magic to good use for CREATON.

Winter is coming… A warm house with family and friends is for many of us the highlight of our day that time of year. But for homeless people it’s no winter wonderland. Every year thousands of people are literally left out in the cold. Reason enough for CREATON and MMBSY to launch a creative campaign to raise some serious awareness. Let’s be honest, who better than a roofing solution company to remind people that there are so many others who don’t have the same luxury? And that staying home isn’t an option for everyone.

CREATON holiday cards

The Work

Ask a child to draw a house and it won’t be complete without a roof. A house without a roof is simply not home. That’s what CREATON stands for: their aim is to create a place of warmth, a safe haven. A feeling that became very important to all of us this year, especially around Christmas. With lockdown and social distancing rules, we all felt like we were missing out on family, friends and experiences. And so CREATON and MMBSY came up with the idea of free holiday cards. Most of what we see in the mail these days are bills or other unwanted junk. It’s a little bit of character, a little bit of love.

You could send three cards for free to someone you missed through the company’s website. For every card sent, CREATON donated € 1 to Straatverpleger vzw, an organization that offers sustainable housing to vulnerable homeless people. Bringing joy to the recipients and creating awareness about homelessness. And by launching the campaign on the international roof over your head day, we generated some high-quality press attention. The cards were featured in magazines such as Libelle, Flair et L’Officiel. Talk about a win-win-win.

The cards themselves were designed by none other than Belgian illustrator Tom Schamp, who also designed the Christmas window of the legendary Galeries Lafayette. His dreamy and lavish style suited the feeling we wanted to convey. And with playful messages as “Nu is’t allemaal nog op ‘t gemak, maar volgend jaar gaan we weer samen uit ons dak” the cards were bound to put smiles on  faces.

CREATON holiday cards
CREATON holiday cards

The Result

So was this case a winner? You betcha! The 1000 available cards were sent out in record time and the campaign was so successful that it had to be ended earlier than predicted. It was basically the Super Bowl of holiday cards.

  • 8 publications of which 1 print and 7 online
  • Total PR value of € 147 030
  • Total reach of 5 745 670 – Which is the equivalent of the entire population in Denmark. A performance that blew our (Christmas) socks off.

Read our other cases here.