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MMBSY Happy Days SS23: Moodrise

By 18/10/2022February 20th, 2023No Comments1 min read

A new season means a chance for all of us to push the reset button, even if only for a little while. Life right now is all about enjoying the moment, being spontaneous, and living life to the fullest, while keeping a critical eye on what’s happening in the world. The key denominator is freedom, and the ability to be unapologetically happy – whatever that means to you. Embrace yourself and stand up for what you believe in.

At MMBSY, we can’t wait to welcome you to our Happy Days and immerse you in a cocoon of happy colors, and all the latest trends for Spring/Summer 2023.

Our doors will be open for you on Wednesday the 16th & Thursday the 17th of November 2022, from 9 AM to 6 PM.

Be sure to RSVP with your preferred date and time, and we will be happy to have you join us.

We are located at:

Regine Beerplein 1, C105
2018 Antwerp

Happy Days